Dibujo sobre ecología

By Jaazeal Jakosalem, ARCORES International’s president Read the first part of this article here. And the second part here. The relevance of the document In this exhortation Pope Francis is highly critical of the weakness of international politics and climate conferences, clearly indicating much of the failures than the outcomes, indicating progress the least. It

Dibujo sobre ecología

By Jaazeal Jakosalem, ARCORES International’s president Read the first part of this article here. Advancing to protect nature Pope Francis presents a clear manifestation of his ecological message that as faith communities we need to commit “the world that surrounds us is not an object of exploitation, unbridled use and unlimited ambition” (LD, 25). Thus,

Dibujo sobre ecología

By Jaazeal Jakosalem, ARCORES International’s president Laudate Deum (LD) brings a detailed call of Pope Francis to address the climate crisis within a specific timeline for climate action, recalling his message in Laudato Si’: “I wanted to share with all of you, my brothers and sisters of our suffering planet, my heartfelt concerns about the

The burning bush (Ex, 3:1-12) ARCORES International participates in the annual celebration of the Season of Creation 2022 with the theme: “Listen to the Voice of Creation”. In a special way, we invite our ARCORES Network to align programs and activities within the period of the celebration (from 1 September 2022 to 4 October 2022)