Siria terremoto

This Tuesday marked the one year anniversary of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Therefore, ARCORES has just released the report of the project “Emergency Earthquake Turkey – Syria”, which describes the actions carried out in 2023 by the Blue Marists in Aleppo and to which the 20,000 euros contributed from ARCORES in 2023 were

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Parte de la familia en Guam

Some little shoes from my piggy bank

By Fernando Martin OAR, ARCORES Spain “- Look, family, they just sent me some photos from Guamote [Ecuador]! They are from the communities and the people we are going to be with. – Let’s see, Mom. -I want to see them too. I want to see where grandma will be going. -Calm down, Olimpia, we’ll

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Ayuda terremoto Siria

This April 6, Holy Thursday, marks two months since the earthquake in Syria and Turkey. After the disaster, ARCORES formalized a collaboration agreement with SED, the NGOD of the Marist Family in Spain, to channel the solidarity of the Augustinian Recollect Family and send it directly to the victims of the earthquake. ARCORES has collected,

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Sueño Solar Sierra Leona

Solar Dream goes live in Sierra Leone

Lighting for Sierra Leone ARCORES International in Heart Solidarity Campaign 2022/23 with the theme “Together Transforming Lives” started to work on a focus project related to Care for Creation in Sierra Leone, Africa. The Solar Dream Project aims to train young people and install 100 solar lighting kits on 100 houses of the two villages

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Justicia Social

Social injustices Today we celebrate the World Day of Social Justice 2023 with the theme “Overcoming Barriers and Unleashing Opportunities for Social Justice”, with a concrete purpose of encouraging “to strengthen global solidarity and to rebuild trust in government” (UN concept note). The global scenario of social injustices and overlapping social and economic crises have

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Clínica de Ucrania apoyada por ARCORES

Donation from ARCORES and the Augustinian Recollects Four months after the start-up in Ukraine of the Interfamily Clinic in Uzhhorod, the management of the center has been able to purchase an energy storing battery and thus have lighting and internet. ARCORES has supported this clinic with 3,000 euros, while the Augustinian Recollects of England sent

boda en Sierra Leona

Domund 2022: ARCORES in Sierra Leone

Judith Arroyo World Mission Day This Sunday, October 23, World Mission Day (Domund), is celebrated throughout the Catholic Church, promoting the missionary spirit and Christian values. This year, World Mission Sunday has as its theme the words of Jesus Christ: “You will be my witnesses” (Jn 15:27). Today, many men and women are being God’s

visita obispo Las Vías

Visit of the auxiliary bishop of Mexico On October 13, the auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Mexico, Monsignor Luis Manuel Pérez Raygoza, visited the community of Las Vías to learn about the work that ARCORES Mexico carries out there. The prelate was accompanied in his tour of this community by Martin Luengo, vicar of

Encuentro virtual agenda 2030 Uniagustiniana

Virtual meeting The Uniagustiniana of Bogota and ARCORES held the virtual meeting “Responding to the challenge of ending poverty, protecting the planet and generating opportunities for all” to explain some of the projects of the Solidarity Network to fulfill the 2030 Agenda. Antonio Carrón de la Torre, president of ARCORES International, made it clear that

On September 23, University of San José – Recoletos (USJ-R), through INFECOP and in partnership with ARCORES International and ARCORES Filipinas, conducted Project Tabang Sugbu: Phase 2 for the typhoon Odette victims of Olango Island, Lapu-lapu City, Cebu. The project was composed of the following activities: distribution of ARCORES Bags of Hope (Educational Assistance), Value

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