Augusto Uriarte, new president of ARCORES Argentina
On June 1, the I General Assembly of ARCORES Argentina took place in the conference room of the Colegio Agustiniano in Buenos Aires. At the meeting, Augusto Uriarte OAR assumed the presidency, replacing Ricardo Catete OAR. Both members and volunteers from the capital attended in person, while residents from Mar del Plata, Santa Fe and
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Migrants’ Day: Supporting those who are far from home
Migrants’ Day Migrants’ Day will be celebrated on December 18. Therefore, from ARCORES International we take stock of some of the projects that are responsible for supporting this group. Costa Rica: “We are brothers” The “We Are Brothers” campaign, launched by ARCORES Costa Rica’s Calle Esperanza project, has helped more than 450 migrants seeking to
- Published in ARCORES Argentina, ARCORES Colombia, ARCORES Costa Rica, ARCORES España, ARCORES México, Noticias, Uncategorized
Saint Monica, Patron Saint of social projects in Brazil, Peru, Argentina and Kenya
Feast Day of Saint Monica Today we celebrate the feast of Saint Monica. We present the works of ARCORES whose patron saint is the mother of Saint Augustine. Home in Fortaleza In Brazil we have three projects with this name. The Saint Monica Home aims to welcome girls and adolescents to whom the competent authorities
- Published in ARCORES Argentina, ARCORES Brasil, ARCORES Perú, Noticias, Uncategorized
ARCORES Argentina celebrates, until October, the Heart Solidarity Campaign
Adding hearts of solidarity From Friday 1 July until 10 October, ARCORES Argentina will be raising funds for the Heart Solidarity Campaign (HSC), with the slogan “We build the future, we spread solidarity”. For more than three months, volunteers and collaborators of the Network in the country will celebrate, promote and practice solidarity within the
- Published in ARCORES Argentina, Noticias, Uncategorized
End of the course “Entrepreneurs with impact”
Last Saturday, 18 migrants finished the course “Entrepreneurs with Impact”, organized by ARCORES Argentina thanks to the support of the Order of Malta. During the course, the migrants learned tools to improve their businesses. The training ended, after twelve weeks, with a ceremony in which each entrepreneur presented, in front of a jury, a business
- Published in ARCORES Argentina, Noticias, Uncategorized