With eight candidates
This week, the services of the project Por Una Vida Digna Adolescentes Embarazadas de ARCORES Dominicana (For a Dignified Life for Pregnant Adolescents of ARCORES Dominicana) will begin in San Cristobal with eight candidates. This was confirmed by Dr. Sandra Solano, director of the program, on Friday, March 18, during the meeting of the coordinating team. In the coming days, the project will be presented and applicants will be interviewed. The project office is located in the parish hall of Our Lady of Consolation.
At the meeting, the organizational charts of the different teams that make up the project were presented. These organizational charts include a description of the roles, competencies, responsibilities and necessary training of each of the members. The proposal for the informative and promotional brochure to be distributed, both in physical and digital format, in the different parishes associated with the project was also presented. This document will include the general description and objectives covered by For a Dignified Life. Informative posters were also presented.
At the end of the meeting, Friar Cruz Echeverría stressed the importance of good management of the project, especially with regard to the reporting of expenses, management of resources and recording of activities carried out. He also proposed, after the implementation of the project, a meeting with the beneficiaries to give them the opportunity to ask questions and express their concerns and expectations.