Pope Francis received the ‘Laudato Si’ Cross’ as a gift from ARCORES, the solidarity network of the Order of Augustinian Recollects. The cross is a meaningful interpretation of the ecological advocacy of Pope Francis that inspired millions from different denominational identities to protect nature and people. The ‘Laudato Si’ Cross’ is significantly summarized by Pope

The Importance of Volunteering

ARCORES volunteering represents a unique opportunity for people to give themselves to others and experience the deep sense of solidarity and service that drives its mission. This commitment, structured across various levels: local, national, and international volunteering, allows volunteers to approach the most vulnerable realities, moving hearts towards empathy and action. In each of these

Ecumenical Dialogue through Ecology

The president of ARCORES International, Tagoy Jakosalem, participation in the 2024 Ecumenical Research Forum Conference, held at the prestigious Academy of Mission in Hamburg, Germany, from November 29 to December 1. At this significant gathering, focused on “Grassroots Ecumenism,” Jakosalem presented an innovative research titled “Ecological Action as a Path for Ecumenical Dialogue: A Philippine

The prayer of the poor rises to God

The prayer of the poor rises to God, this is the theme of the 2024 World Day of the Poor. It reminds us and encourages us to live and experience the essential union between prayer and the exercise of charity: “If prayer does not translate into concrete action, it is vain; indeed, faith without works

The gravity of the climate crisis

The catastrophic flooding that claimed over 90 lives and left dozens missing in Valencia, Spain, underscores the severity of the climate crisis. The 2023 IPCC Report (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) already highlighted the ‘future’ risks of climate change, stating: “Continued emissions will further affect all major climate system components. With every additional increment of


In a few days, we will be celebrating WORLD MISSION DAY 2024. This year, the date is set for October 20th under the theme “Go and invite everyone to the banquet” (cf. Mt 22:9). Pope Francis emphasizes the Church’s mission to go and invite everyone to the Lord’s feast, without weariness or discouragement. This text

On September 30, 2024, in Rome, the official campaign to request the institution of the Feast of the Mystery of Creation was launched in a face-to-face and online event. The conference provides background on the proposed feast, its theological foundations, and ways in which Catholic organizations can contribute to the process. Nearly 120 Catholic organizations

ARCORES Activity summary 2023

    The objective of this summary is to present an overview of the main actions and results achieved throughout the year 2023, reporting on the performance of activities, projects, and financial activities, as well as other aspects. The ultimate goal is to provide a clear and comprehensive view of Arcores Brazil’s performance, contributing to

At least 109 families whose homes were razed by fire in San Carlos City, Negros Occidental, Philippines, received a bag of rice and canned goods from ARCORES International through Colegio de Sto. Tomas-Recoletos, Inc.’s Community Extension and Development Office (CEDO). It can be recalled that last September 6, 2024, at 8:40 in the evening, families

Arcores in Portel held the Solidarity Heart Day in 2024 on Friday, September 6th, at the premises of the Nossa Senhora da Luz (Our Lady of Light) main church: Church Square, Parish Hall 1, and Parish Hall 2. Arcores materializes in Portel through its two social works: Project Star, which assists nearly 200 children and

Ayuda en Ucrania

This Saturday, February 24, marks the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Thanks to ARCORES’ collaboration agreement with the Claretian Missionaries’ Proclade Foundation, our Solidarity Network continues to help in the country. In January, ARCORES sent 7,200 euros. With this amount, the Claretian Missionaries in Ukraine help the people who have returned to Truskavets,

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Pozos de Santa Ana

Last weekend, February 17 and 18, the Parish of the Immaculate Conception of Pozos de Santa Ana (Costa Rica) celebrated the Heart Solidarity Campaign 2023/24, with the motto “Greater value in little things”. In the Eucharistic celebrations of the previous days, since two weeks before, as well as in social networks, it was announced that