Local projects
Since 2018, when ARCORES was established in Mexico, it has not stopped working for the poor, needy and where more people need to be sheltered.
The beginning
One of the projects, which has been underway since the birth of ARCORES, is the construction of houses in Totolapan (state of Morelos), where many of the families lost their homes as a result of the earthquake in 2017.
- The Center for Assistance and Social Integration-CAIS CUEMANCO (in Coyacán, Mexico City), which cares for more than 250 abandoned men, is supported by visits from people from the Agustina Recoleta Fraternity, friars and students of the San Agustín Postulancy.
In December 2019, the Dignified Housing project was also carried out in Totolapan, where household cleaning activities were carried out and personal hygiene items, diapers and some furniture were delivered, as well as the delivery of blankets to low-income residents.
- In addition, the community called Las Vías, in Colonia Atlampa, has been visited since December 2019 by the Augustinian Recollect Missionaries, who support them in their material and spiritual needs.
Since 2020, ARCORES Mexico has launched the project To the encounter of hearts, which is responsible for supporting families affected by the pandemic with food pantries, hygiene and cleaning materials and medicines in Las Vías and La Conchita (Mexico City), Totolapan (Morelos state), Nanacamilpa (Tlaxcala) and Hueyapan (Puebla).
Also, through To the encounter of hearts, since December 2021 help is being provided with blankets and medicines at the CAIS. For his part, in the Casa del Migrante de Chihuahua he supports himself with shoes and blankets, as well as in other parishes served by the Augustinian Recollect Order in Chihuahua.