Local projects

ARCORES Argentina is organized in 4 nodes throughout the country:

  • ARCORES Buenos Aires Node
  • ARCORES Mar del Plata Node
  • ARCORES Rosario Node
  • Santa Fe ARCORES Node

And they run two programs and one project:

Programa Migrantes
See more Migrant Program at the Parish Immigrant Assistance Center
Migrant Program at the Parish Immigrant Assistance Center

It serves more than 60 migrant families in the Parroquia Nuestra Señora de la Consolación in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Programa Migrantes Arcores

Programa de Apadrinamientos del Proyecto Estrella
See more Star Project Sponsorship Program
Star Project Sponsorship Program

The program accompanies 10 families with a total of 12 children in Monte Chingolo, Buenos Aires.

Programa de Apadrinamientos del Proyecto Estrella

Proyecto Comedor San José
See more San José Dining Project
San José Dining Project

Serves more than 100 beneficiaries on Saturdays in the community of Cabulli in Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires.

Proyecto Comedor San José


carries out specific campaigns to respond to specific needs during the year:
  • Toy collection, for Children's Day and Three Kings' Day.
  • Food drive, for families affected by the country's economic crisis.
  • Collection of school supplies, in the Augustinian Recollect schools of the country and that are intended for the children of the Star Project and of migrants.
  • Winter clothing collection, for people who do not have a coat or clothing for the winter season in the country .


we are providing Honor Loans to families of the Migrant Program who request it for a specific project (for example, buying a bicycle) and that they can repay in ten equal installments without any interest. And to the extent that payments are made, the beneficiaries will be expanded. So far we have managed to support two families.

If you are a company or institution

you can join as a Friend Entity of ARCORES Argentina and add your grain of sand.


We have the 2022 Call open to join ARCORES Argentina:

As a volunteer,

with a virtual or face-to-face commitment to help in the different projects or campaigns that are carried out.

As a friendly partner,

collaborating with a monthly economic contribution to support the projects in Argentina.

As a donor,

helping economically or materially with a specific contribution.

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Where are we

You can write to us at argentina@arcores.org

More information in:


WhatsApp: +5491124647604

Facebook: ARCORES Argentina

Instagram: arcoresargentina